Traveling with a Pet in a Post COVID-19 World

Traveling with your cat, dog or other pet is a very fun activity that can help build an even stronger bond. Unfortunately, with the recent Covid-19 pandemic, travel has been all but put on hold in many cases.  However, the situation is beginning to improve.... Source

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The Largest Casino in Europe

There is nothing quite like the ambience of casino life, the thrill of the win, the commiserations to the losers and the sense of glitz and glamor that have conjured up some of the greatest movie scenes of all time, in fact enjoying a night... Source

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Things to Know About Wildlife in Antarctica

The Antarctic is the home for wildlife such as penguins, seals, whales, and birders. If you are a wildlife enthusiast then you will get back some great wildlife memories back home. Even in the cold environment of the region, wildlife does not only exist but... Source

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The Pros and Cons of Distance Learning

The international pandemic has caused many people to overthink their attitude towards distance learning. While distance learning facilities used to be considered worse quality than the regular way of schooling, they now have a major advantage compared to old-fashioned schools or universities – their digital... Source

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Tips for Moving out of State

Moving, of course, is quite a strenuous task that requires proper planning. But moving to a different state can have its own challenges. It’s not honestly easy to leave your home, school, and even your workplace you’ve hated for so long. But sometimes, you’ve got... Source

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The Best Exercise Equipment for Travelers

To most, a vacation means a break from work and the stresses of daily life. But to athletes or people with real fitness goals, taking a week or two off from working out can be a real setback. Here some tips on why it is important to... Source

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Turks and Caicos Travel Guide: Things to Know

Beach bum in need of a tropical vacation? Trying to think of an idyllic honeymoon destination? Look no further than Turks and Caicos, a tropical archipelago just north of the Dominican Republic.  This British territory is made up of over 100 islands and cays, although... Source

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6 Jobs That Let You Travel

If you love to travel, you’re not alone. So many people dream of seeing the world. They long for their vacation days so that they can go explore new places. But, like most people, you probably don’t get to travel as much as you would... Source

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