The World’s Highest Capacity Stadiums

No matter where you are in the world, sport plays a vital role in bringing people together. At the top level, it can be big business as well.  In 2018 the global sports market was valued at a whopping $471 billion, an increase of around... Source

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Five Must-See Soccer Stadiums | Pommie Travels

If you’ve watched any football (or soccer) at all in the past twelve months, the chances are that you did so on television. There have been a few matches that were opened up to the public and a few countries where fans were allowed to... Source

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Making Your Way To Mexico In 2021

Beaches, excellent food, and the most historic temples are what Mexico is known for. Of course, the traveling landscape has changed recently, and one needs to be prepared before deciding to visit any country. If you are planning to visit Mexico this year, you are... Source

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Studying While Traveling: How to Juggle Both

Studying abroad is the perfect excuse to indulge your love of travel. It offers invaluable exposure to international cultures and different learning methods, but it also gets you overseas. When you aren’t in the classroom, you’re free to discover a country other than your own.... Source

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Activities to Pass the Time While Travelling

There is sure to be a lot of downtime to kill on any kind of backpacking adventure or travel experience. It is not all climbing mountains, exploring rainforests, partying with new friends, and other great adventures and a lot of the time is spent traveling... Source

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5 Things to Know About Car Insurance on a Road Trip

A fantastic road trip is as much about the journey as the destination. While summertime is a popular choice, many people take road trips throughout the year. Having the right car insurance and understanding how it works are key to having a comfortable and enjoyable... Source

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